
‘Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which it has survived.’ – E.O Wilson


The natural grasslands within the park is virgin land, untouched by agricultural intervention.

Within Haddon’s Medieval Park, amongst the woodlands, swamps, wetlands, marginal vegetation and river can be found natural and semi-natural grasslands, on which the small herd of Longhorns gently graze.

The natural grasslands within the park are virgin land, untouched by agricultural intervention, and rich in biodiversity and health! The semi-natural grassland is territory that has been taken out of agricultural production and sown with agricultural grass mixes such as Rye-grass, Timothy and crested dogstail.

Both types of grassland are a wonderful and positive thing to see as they act as a carbon sink, i.e. the grass grabs carbon dioxide from our atmosphere to use in photosynthesis, and when the grass dies and decomposes, it is transferred to the soil below it, where it is stored safely below the surface unless interfered with by agricultural practice.

Home to a vast variety of birds and fauna, the grasslands at Haddon again make for an important ecological element in its biodiversity.