
“It’s such a pleasure to hear music being performed at Haddon. We hope these occasional and varied performances by these very fine musicians will continue to bring much enjoyment to visitors this year and will continue to enhance Haddon's reputation as a delightful setting for music.” - Lady Edward Manners

We are proud to present our music recital schedule for 2024

For three hundred years, Haddon was left unlived in, unaltered and untouched. The Hall became known as ‘The Sleeping Beauty’. With the arrival of its new family, it was decided that the most gentle and beautiful way to reawaken the home and bring soul and life to its chambers, was through music.

Performances are held at 11.30 am and 1.15 pm, providing time to enjoy lunch or tea in our Restaurant.

These performances can be enjoyed at leisure and are included in the cost of your admission ticket.